Happy New Year, dear readers!
Many boat and writing projects abound, but I’m stuck in a windy anchorage on a hurricane devastated island.
A fellow engineless sailor is here who helped us get access to bikes, free laundry in a FEMA trailer, and some apples. He lost me, though, when he said he questioned the existence of sexism and asked if feminism was the same as chauvinism. He then seemed surprised when I answered no. And, in his grandest gesture of misogyny he said, “I need to get me one of those,” in reference to a girlfriend who would clean his boat for him. It’s sad because he’s the only other boat around these parts without an engine and he came off so helpful, but it’s 2020 not 1920.
I had no choice but to kick him off my boat even though he’d just shared a couple pounds of fresh shrimp with us.
Should be some wind to sail on out of here soon enough!
I want to express my gratitude for those of you that still read this damn thing and for those who are just starting to. I hope you all get a little further along in your journeys.
Don’t forget submissions are open for Heartwreck: Romantic Disasters at Sea, a collection of stories about love and loss on boats.
Also, check out my article published in SpinSheet Magazine about riding cold fronts down the Chesapeake Bay.
I finally got my writing portfolio moved over here, so check it out and contact me for any of your writing or editing needs.
I’ll get this damn boat seaworthy again soon enough, in the meantime I’ll be here offending all the white men who are holding on to the very last of their undeserved privilege!
Here’s to surviving late stage capitalism, the climate crisis, and all the inevitable break ups and deaths this year!
See you out there!
Dittos to cheers and survival….. may the chauvinistic of every race, sex (plenty of women still defend the male superiority myth! SADLY) and creed meet their follies and do a hard jibe toward a more peaceful world!!!
Fair winds and following seas!!!
Dittos to cheers and survival….. may the chauvinistic of every race, sex (plenty of women still defend the male superiority myth! SADLY) and creed meet their follies HEAD ON and do a hard gybe toward a more peaceful world!!!
Fair winds and following seas!!!
Love you! Keep Kicking Ass(es)!